While many lawyers think that you are either born with the ability to develop business or not, this is not the case. There are tried-and-true selling methodologies, techniques, and principles that can be employed to develop business.

In fact, one of the principles I teach was recently employed by a law firm partner I coached for nearly six months.

In a meeting with one of her firm’s clients, she employed the technique of listening attentively and asking questions when she felt nervous, rather than letting her nerves override her conversation style.

After her meeting, she received a follow-up email from the client. The client stated that it was refreshing to speak with a lawyer interested in her company’s strategies and goals. The client also praised her team mentality and supportive approach.

The end result: She kept the client for her firm.

Sounds like a win to me.

Published by Sheryl Odentz on LinkedIn on May 29, 2018. Sheryl Odentz is the founder of Progress in Work LLC, an award-winning career management firm that provides coaching and counseling to lawyers and other professionals within the legal industry. She helps them to maximize career success through business development training /coaching, executive/leadership coaching and outplacement/career transition counseling. For more information, contact Sheryl at 212-532-6670 or